Category Archives: Did You Know

How to Use Essential Oils: Spanish Sage

In the past, people thought that the Mediterranean civilizations really liked using something called Spanish Sage because they believed it helped keep people healthy. They used it in folk medicine to help with remembering things better and to help with problems like dementia.

Whispers of the North

A titan of taiga, the Siberian fir,
Through boreal blasts it rises ever higher.
Reaching for sunlight, a hardy embrace,
Three thousand meters, its towering chase. 

Emerald needles, cloaking its sturdy frame,
Resin-kissed fragrance, a whisper of its name.
Balsamic comfort, in needles it hides,
Essential oils, where healing resides. 

Cone-shaped perfection, a crown reaching high,
Upright and proud, against the frozen sky.
Seeds with tiny wings, carried by the breeze,
Spreading life’s promise, through whispering trees. 

Sun-dappled shadows dance on its ancient bark,
A haven for creatures, leaving their mark.
From Siberian squirrel to majestic lynx,
A sheltering giant, where life interlinks. 

Through the harsh winter, its needles hold fast,
A symbol of resilience, a future that will last.
Siberian fir, a testament to time,
Whispers of the North, in its evergreen climb.

How to Use Essential Oils: Sandalwood

I love the smell of Sandalwood Essential Oil.

Sandalwood Essential Oil is the term used for a group of woods that smell good. What makes them unique is that they can keep their nice scent for many years, unlike other woods that have a strong aroma.

Root of the Holy Ghost and The Rest of the Story

In the realm of herbal lore, there exists a plant unlike any other, bearing a name untouched by alternative appellations. This botanical wonder intertwines with myth and history, tracing its lineage to a monk’s visionary encounter. Legends whisper of an angel’s apparition, imparting the secret of a plague remedy, forever christening the herb in celestial homage.

Once revered as the “Root of the Holy Ghost,” this enigmatic plant boasts a lineage steeped in potency. Thriving amidst the frosty landscapes of northern realms, its roots delve deep into tales of sustenance during times of scarcity, hailed as a lifeline by Icelandic dwellers in the face of famine.

Aligned with celestial rhythms, this herb blooms on the feast day of Archangel Michael, invoking beliefs in its divine protection against malevolence and maladies. From Paracelsus’ acclaim as a “marvelous medicine” to Gerard’s testament of its purifying prowess, its reputation as a panacea against pestilence resonates through history.

From the confectionary delights of candied creations to its essence distilled into a potent elixir, its multifaceted nature extends beyond the realm of mere sustenance. Throughout history, it has been hailed as a remedy for ailments ranging from flatulence to chronic respiratory afflictions, its essential oil offering solace for weary joints and restless spirits alike.

Echoes from antiquity resonate with its virtues, lauded as a salve for both physical and emotional maladies. From purifying the blood to grounding weary souls, its essence permeates through realms of healing and enlightenment.

Unveiled through the annals of time, this botanical marvel continues to weave its spell, offering solace and sanctuary to those in need. Its name, withheld until journey’s end, echoes with the resonance of divine grace — Angelica, the herb of angels, harbinger of healing and hope. Now you know the rest of the story.

How to Use Essential Oils: Rosemary

Rosemary is a type of plant that stays green all year and smells really nice. People often use its leaves to add flavor to foods like pork, chicken, and turkey. Long ago, ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew people thought rosemary was very special and important.

I Want You!

I want YouEight years ago, I was introduced to something that has transformed my life: essential oils.

Yes I was a big skeptic about them at first, but I now use essential oils on a daily basis in every area of my home, and they have completely changed my life! My medicine cabinet has been completely transformed, and I am now empowered with the tools and knowledge to care for my family.

When I realized I could get free products AND create residual income? I got really excited!

As a result, of my essential oil journey, and passion helping others, I’m ready to help you get started with your essential oil journey as well.

The best part about essential oils is that there is an option for everyone, whether you want to simply enjoy the products for yourself and transform your family’s health (and get free stuff in the process) OR you’re ready to build a team, create residual income, and get out of debt.

If any of these options sound appealing to you, let’s chat!

I’ll help you figure out which option will be the best fit for you, plus you can qualify for some awesome incentives in the process.

I can’t wait to talk to you!

I love sharing essential oils

Please text Free Sample or call me at 801-661-4786
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with the heading Free Sample
It will be an honor to help you in any way that I can.
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Leonard Fish
Leonard Fish
5075 Rushton Acres Court
West Valley City, Utah 84120


Leonard Fish Signature

How to Use Essential Oils: Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is a small plant that stays low to the ground, growing only about a foot tall. It has leaves that are gray-green in color and flowers that look like daisies. Plus, it gives off a scent that’s similar to apples.