Headache Relief and the Rest of the Story

Leonard Fish age 11Several years ago, almost in another lifetime, when I was 11 going on 12. I was on top of the world. I was in sixth grade. This is a pivotal year in school. I was finally king of the school. I had arrived at the top of the food chain as far as kids my age were thinking. I never was a cocky, arrogant, kid wanting to show how big I was to the other younger kids. I was a little awkward socially, never feeling like I really fit in.

One thing everyone had to do in sixth grade was learn how to dance. I remember having a dance teacher that came to our school once a week for a couple of months. After we learned how to waltz we had a school dance where we had to fill out a dance card, asking girls to dance. It was very painful getting 10 different girls to dance with me to fill up my dance card.

When we started learning how to square dance I loved it, except when I was dancing with Wendy Ryan, one of the most popular girls in the school. Her hands were very sweaty. What I liked best was I didn’t have to ask a girl to dance with me. We were just paired up which made it a lot less stressful.


In the spring of my sixth grade year, I filled out my class schedule. I think this was the first time I realized I was going to be a little 7th grader. I started getting stressed about life, knowing my life as I knew it was about to change forever.

I started getting lots of migraine headaches that would get so bad I had to go to sleep to get rid of them. One of these migraines happened on my 12th birthday. That put a big damper on my special day. The headaches quit coming soon after I started my 7th grade year in school.

When I reflect on this experience I wish my family had the knowledge of essential oils. The oil that may help your headache is a headache relief blend of essential oils that contain wintergreen, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, cilantro, roman chamomile, marjoram basil, and rosemary. In some cases it works very quickly and effectively, relieving many stressful moments.

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