Tag Archives: Chefs delight

A Taste of the Sun

From sun-drenched Mediterranean shores,
Thyme, a tiny shrub, forever endures.
Thymus vulgaris, its botanical name,
Aromatic leaves, whispering of its fame.

 Grey-green and slender, its branches do sprawl,
Part of the mint family, standing proud and tall.
Essential oils, a treasure they hold,
Thymol and carvacrol, stories yet untold. 

Culinary hero, a chef’s delight,
Adding peppery warmth, both day and night.
Soups and stews, it finds its place,
With meats and vegetables, a flavor embrace. 

Beyond the kitchen, a history grand,
Egyptians in embalming, used its helping hand.
Greeks in their temples, its fragrance did rise,
Antiseptic whispers, beneath clear blue skies.

 Modern research, with cautious acclaim,
Antibacterial whispers, a message to claim.
Boosting the immune system, a potential friend,
Nature’s tiny wonder, that knows no end. 

So next time you see it, this herb so adored,
Remember its journey, from garden to board.
A taste of the sunshine, a history deep,
Thyme’s tiny leaves, a treasure to keep.